The Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) technology refined by TCarta and used to create the new Reconnaissance Charts is uniquely suited to measure water depth accurately and inexpensively while posing no danger to personnel, equipment, or coastal ecosystems.

SDB applies physics-based computer algorithms to optical imagery captured by commercial remote sensing satellites. This analysis detects and measures light reflecting off the seafloor to calculate water depth. Depending on water clarity, SDB is accurate to depths of 20 to 30 meters.

TCarta has mapped nearly one third of the world’s coastlines with SDB and offers products in custom and off-the-shelf versions.

Custom SDB data sets are typically generated using high-resolution satellite imagery capable of resolving seafloor objects, such as shoals and reefs, with one-meter resolution. Satellite Reconnaissance Charts can be created for nearly any shallow-water area in the world and are available off the shelf now in the following regions:

  • Caribbean
  • Arabian/Persian Gulf
  • Red Sea
  • Many Pacific Islands
  • Florida and Mexican Coasts

Satellite Reconnaissance Charts are available for specific locations, regions, and entire countries.  Commercial organizations may order bathymetry products directly from TCarta and the US government can purchase through the GSA Schedule.

For more information:

Source: TCarta

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