Motorola announced its new Location Services Framework, a flexible platform designed to support location-enabled applications and services on Motorola devices. In an effort to continuously provide new and compelling experiences to end users, Motorola has developed the framework to accelerate innovation, reduce application time-to-market, and dramatically improve usability and uptake for location-enabed services.

Motorola’s Location Services Framework takes location-enabled services to the next level by directly linking them to other applications and tools on mobile devices. From mobile search, messaging, contacts, and the mobile browser to social networking applications and the calendar, the platform intuitively facilitates actionable connections between content and the locations associated with them.

“The new Location Services Framework goes one step further in Motorola’s goal of creating innovative mobile experiences by making the context of location inherent in our devices,” said Scott Durchslag, Corporate Vice President, Product and Xperience Invention, Motorola Mobile Devices. “Location adds a host of new possibilities to the wireless experience and we are working closely with our developers, carriers and partners to help ensure this platform translates into breakthrough functionality for consumers.”

The Motorola Location Services Framework will enable third party developers to create dynamic and practical applications for Motorola devices. Through the MOTODEV developer program, developers creating applications for the platform will have access to services that allow them to quickly and easily bring location-enabled services to market.

The framework will also empower carriers to make their own strategic content, application and partnership decisions, further supporting their unique offerings with rich and compelling end user experiences.

The Location Services Framework builds on years of expertise Motorola has developed by creating dozens of GPS-enabled devices and many location-enabled solutions — including the recently announced Motorola phone-based T805 and smartphone-based T815 navigation systems featuring MOTONAV services. The new framework will be optimized for Motorola’s Linux+Java handset platform, and will be integrated into other core product platforms supported by Motorola.

About Motorola

Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications. Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need. We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences and powerful networks — along with a full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $42.9 billion in 2006. 

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