The Wilmington Police Department (WPD) in Wilmington, Del., awarded GeoDecisions, an award-winning leader in the information technology industry specializing in geospatial solutions, a contract to implement its Crime Analysis and Mapping System (GeoCAMS). Wilmington is the largest city in Delaware and is home to several Fortune 500 companies.

The police department will use GeoCAMS to analyze complex relationships between crime and criminals by mapping and analyzing crime patterns within the city limits.

The custom GeoCAMS solution combines three law enforcement databases into one geographic information system (GIS) environment. One of the databases, hosted externally and maintained by the State of Delaware Justice Information System, will provide the ability to map police-reported incidents and explore crime patterns not commonly detected through the traditional method of analyzing spreadsheets. Two internal city databases will map and display sex offender data, as well as data from service calls.

The ability to display data and generate reports for crime analysis will help the WPD to fight crime and protect the public. Prior to GeoCAMS, the WPD manually tabulated crime data. The GeoCAMS solution is accessible to all Wilmington police officers.