Mapsuite+ 6.0, the CAD software for surveying, mapping and design has now reached its 6th version, with a lot of new enhancements for the surveying and mapping people.

The version includes new CAD functions like Create polygon, Generate legend on drawing sheet, Copy point attribute to object attribute, Make entity properties current and Edit road line in a drawing. Regarding DTM; the user is now able to Drape image over 3D model, and also use height scale in 3D model. More news is Preview of road line in road line document, Preview of profile in profile document and Area between two profiles or terrain profile.

“We are now releasing the 6th version of Mapsuite+ and we continue to focus on Mapsuite+ core theme, to have the best CAD system for survey, mapping and design. For survey we continue to update the communication towards all new instruments, levellers and GPS instrument and make the communication and processing easier from field to a ready map or drawing. The CAD/drawing management has been developed even more to mapping, making legends, line widths, layers with zoom scales is just a few of the new functions in Mapsuite+ 6.0. The design part has added functions for more information in the profile form and more flexible functionality for construction of Section templates. Now we are sure that we can create all kinds of roads, streets, highways, pipes, railways that actually exist, and we can output them in many different ways to fit the many different standards across the world. We have also put a lot of effort to make the designs exportable to all different systems for machine control, via LandXML and with the proper data for each machine control brand”, says Gunilla Sandström, development project leader of Chaos systems AB, developer of Mapsuite+.

Source: Chaos System