After just more than a year of working with OEM partner GeoAge, Topcon Positioning Systems is expanding the company’s sales territory nationwide.

GeoAge, located in Jacksonville, Florida, delivers mobility solutions that allow business and government end-users to gain a competitive edge by providing access to real-time information.

GeoAge’s FAST software (Field Adapted Survey Toolkit), allows users to quickly create customized data collection forms that match exactly how their specific business processes work. The forms can be designed on site, capturing just the information the user requires in the format they need. When running on Topcon’s GMS-2 mobile mapping handheld receiver, GeoAge FAST users can incorporate digital image capture and accurate GPS coordinate locations in addition to other pertinent business information in their custom forms.

TPS offers advanced tools for GIS field data collection and maintenance. The rugged, compact GMS-2 mobile mapping receiver is an integral piece of the TPS lineup of advanced GPS solutions.

The GMS-2 was the industry’s first GIS-GPS product with:
– An integrated digital camera linking photos to feature locations and attributes;
– GNSS (dual-constellation) tracking;
– An electronic compass for bearing and direction information; and
– The functionality to be used as a standalone GIS mapping device or a field controller for high accuracy Topcon RTK systems and total stations.

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