Leica GNSS Spider V3.2 further enhances its unrivalled versatility and commitment to future-proof GNSS technology. It provides improved compatibility with GPS L2C and GLONASS satellite signals provided by third party receivers. In addition, by complying with the latest RTCM standards, Leica GNSS Spider enables any manufacturers’ rover systems, in compliance with the aforementioned standards, to seamlessly use both networked and single- base GPS & GLONASS correction data. Leica GNSS Spider is the first GNSS Network infrastructure solution currently providing text messaging from the network to rover users in the field.

Full GPS & GLONASS interoperability

With GPS L2C as well as GLONASS data processing any potentially possible inter-manufacturer receiver biases are correctly considered by the new processing algorithms. Ongoing research and development ensures that each new version of GNSS Spider sets new standards for Network RTK performance and reliability.

Rover messaging service

This unique feature uses a standard RTCM message to transport Unicode text messages from Leica GNSS Spider to any rover systems’ user, enabling the network operator to conveniently inform clients about e.g. the status of the network, scheduled updates, and new services etc.Further, Leica GNSS Spider uses this communication channel to automatically provide feedback to a rover about
events affecting its connection.

GRX1200+, new site import from RINEX and more Leica GNSS Spider has been further optimized allowing import of RINEX files into the application so that new references stations can be added. Easy drag and drop of one or more RINEX allows the operator to efficiently setup and configure network stations. Furthermore, Leica GNSS Spider V3.2 adds support for the new generation of Leica GPS1200+GNSS receivers and the new Leica AR25 3D four-constellation choke ring antenna.

Clear benefits

With Leica GNSS Spider V3.2 Leica Geosystems offers the most advanced, versatile and yet, easy-to-use solution for GNSS Infrastructure and Network RTK. It allows network service providers to fully focus on the business of reference stations and to optimise the scope of services offered.

For more information, please visit www.leica-geosystems.us