Chaos systems AB presents a new and open source database connection, which connect to a large number of databases. It uses the open source FDO from Open Source GEO, which has been adapted to Topocad. Many customers have expressed a demanded of a freestanding database. On account of this, Topocad has three different solutions of database connections, where this FDO connection can collect and store data from a large number of different databases.

FDO database connection becomes a separate module to Topocad, and makes it possible to access data from several different geospatial data sources in the state of geospatial databases and file formats. FDO uses a model based on database connections, where each connection supports a certain format or data source.

Following database connections are used:

 – MySQL
 – PostGIS
 – Oracle (Oracle 10g, express, and 9i)
 – MS SQL Server Spatial
 – SDF (Autodesk’s geospatial file format)
 – WFS
 – WMS
 – GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) (Raster)
 – OGR (Vector format: shp, gml, dgn, kml, mapinfo etc.)
 – SQLite

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