The 7th FIG Regional Conference – Spatial Data Serving People: Land Governance and the Environment – Building the Capacity will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 19 to 22 October 2009 at the National Conference Centre. This conference is hosted jointly by the International Federation of Surveyors and the Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing and will offer an platform to exchange experiences on actual problems in surveying, land management, geodesy, GNSS, geoinformatics, land administration and other surveying disciplines.

The 7th FIG Regional Conference includes a two-day Regional Consultation Meeting on the “FAO Voluntary Guidelines for responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources” to be jointly organised with FAO Land Tenure and Management Unit. Are expected400 participants to the conference from 40 to 50 countries. There are more than 40 technical sessions and workshops with more than 150 papers.

The last day of the conference is reserved for a joint technical tour to Ha Long Bay, a famous natural heritage site and geological reserved that listed a World Heritage site by UNESCO.

The FIG Regional Conference is biennial conference of the International Federation of Surveyors that rotates between different regions. It allows easier access for participants from the region to attend international conference and for international participants to learn about regional experiences and projects as we as share their experiences.

The registration for full participants is only 300 EUR until 15 August 2009 including lunches, dinners and a day technical tour to Ha Long Bay at:

When registering please book your hotel room at the same time.

Notice that on Sunday 18 October there will be a pre-conference workshop organised by ESRI.

For more information please visit