Super Wang, CEO of SuperGeo Technologies, is authorized by Ching Yun University as the member of Curriculum Committee at the College of Engineering. Wang will co- plan and provide professional advice for the common courses in the College of Engineering.

Ching-Yun University is famous for the engineering education in Taiwan. Among the numerous colleges at the University, the Department of Applied Geomatics and the Institute of Geoinformatics and Disaster Reduction Technology were established since geospatial technologies play a significant role in the world and the related applications are valued by more and more units.

“Ching-Yun University has contributed to the application of GIS concepts and geoinformatics to the academia and our environment greatly. It’s my pleasure to be the committee member and provide some suggestions to organize the curricula.” says Super Wang. Hopefully the students could learn from the designed courses and apply more knowledge to sustainable environment and disaster reduction.”