Trimble introduced the Trimble CXT 3D Scanner for building construction applications. This advanced, high-accuracy sensor captures more than 50,000 position points per second – enough data to record the details of a target’s shape, size and position with very high precision. It is ideal for building construction applications requiring the accurate measurement of as-built structures, in particular, by mechanical, engineering, and plumbing contractors involved in HVAC and pipe installations.

The announcement was made today at World of Concrete 2010, the concrete industry’s annual international event dedicated to the commercial concrete and masonry construction industries.

When preparing to install a new HVAC or pipe system, contractors can use the Trimble CX 3D Scanner to accurately record existing systems and spaces to ensure the new installation will fit correctly – even before it is designed. This capability can prevent errors and rework, increase overall efficiency, and help provide contractors with a competitive edge.

Trimble proprietary WAVEPULSET technology in the Trimble CX 3D Scanner combines the high short-range accuracy of phase-shift technology with the low-noise sensitivity and high-distance characteristics of time-of-flight technology. This ensures high-precision measurements over the full operating range to provide clean 3D data. An integrated camera collects additional image information, which improves the visualization, post-processing and communication of captured data. A rugged design with IP54 rating and protective housing for the rotating laser ensures the Trimble CX 3D Scanner delivers continuous, reliable results even in difficult building construction environments.

With the intuitive, streamlined Trimble AccessT software running on the Trimble TabletT Rugged PC, capturing data with the Trimble CX 3D Scanner is fast and easy to learn. Data can then be seamlessly transferred from Trimble Access to Trimble RealWorksT or Trimble LASERGenT office software. Trimble RealWorks provides tools to identify features captured and simplify the interpretation of data.

The Trimble CX 3D Scanner is available now from select dealers in Trimble’s North America Building Construction Distribution Network.

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