Telvent, the IT company for a sustainable and secure world, announced today that the company has been selected by the Brazilian company Metro Rio to implement a new Energy Remote Control for the supervision and control of 61 substations and 34 stations of subway Lines 1 and 2.

Implementation of this new system is part of the ambitious project XXI Century Subway (“Metro del siglo XXI”) of Metro Rio.

Metro RioThe project includes the purchase of new trains allowing Metro Rio to double the current capacity of the underground, and transport more than 1.1 million passengers per day; as well as modernizing and implementing new stations. In addition, the operation’s energy supply will be reinforced with two new substations and the Operation Control Center, where daily operation is managed, will be upgraded.

Telvent will provide a turn-key solution that includes installation and implementation of infrastructure for monitoring the equipments located in the stations and substations.

Telvent Scada OASyS supervisory control and data acquisition system will be implemented in the main control center, and in all the local control centers at every passenger station.  Included is a Wi-Fi network for hand-held access for energy supply and auxiliary systems supervision and control.

This project reinforces Telvent’s position as the resource for basic city infrastructure projects in the transportation and energy industries.