SuperGeo Technologies announces that SuperWebGIS 2.1, the Internet Map Server software, passes OGC WCS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.0.0 compliance test and got the official certificate.

SuperWebGIS 2.1 is a set of Internet Map Server software, supporting to build spatial map server to effectively publish the spatial data. The easy manipulation and powerful functions of SuperWebGIS not only can help you publish and display the spatial data but also allows end users to query and analyze the map online to improve working efficiency for organizations (enterprise users).

WCS (Web Coverage Service) is the standards, defined by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), of the standard interface and operation used for interopearable coverage data on the Internet. WCS allows users to query and display the coverage data (i.e. raster data), such as satellite image, aerial image, DEM, etc through the internet.     

WFS (Web Feature Service) defines the feature services used on the Internet. Users can apply HTTP interface to access the features or query the attribute data of the features from the web feature services. Moreover, WFS also defines the transactional capability of web features, such as add, delete, update, access, and query the spatial data and attribute data.

Now, SuperWebGIS 2.1 completely supports WCS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.0.0 standards. Users can therefore access the complete data from web features services and also have advanced manipulation with the data. As a result, the use benefit can be optimized to achieve the goal of data interoperability and sharing.  

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