Ashtech has introduced the ProFlex 500 CORS at the INTERGEO EAST Conference in Istanbul, Turkey. It is a multifunctional Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) designed to collect, store and transmit high-quality GNSS data for multiple applications, including a CORS and a field campaign receiver, for either post-processed or real-time kinematic (RTK) applications.

ProFlex 500 CORS uses Ashtech’s BLADE signal-processing technology, enabling it to provide the GNSS raw data using measurements from three constellations, GPS, GLONASS, and SBAS. It offers a web-server interface, instant real-time multi-data streaming, meteorological and tilt sensors support and integrated communications, including Ethernet, GSM/GPRS, UHF radio, and Bluetooth.

Programming sessions allows users to retrieve stored GNSS, meteorological, and tilt sensor data, while a ring file memory ensures the most recent data are always available, Ashtech said. The embedded FTP server permits the administrator to perform maintenance steps remotely, and allows authorized users to download raw data files directly from the receiver. Users can choose to automatically use FTP push to securely upload data files or the embedded FTP server to manually retrieve data. Conversion to RINEX employs Hatanaka compression, and the internal memory can easily be expanded through the addition of USB flash or external hard drives.

The BLADE technology matches data to application as a full CORS or campaign receiver for either post-processing or RTK applications, Ashtech said. In addition to delivering raw data files in Ashtech Optimized Messaging (ATOM) or Rinex format, the ProFlex 500 CORS can simultaneously deliver real-time RTK corrections in ATOM, RTCM 2.3 and 3.0 and 3.1, or CMR and CMR+ format in multiple ways, including Direct IP, NTRIP server, radio, GSM modem, Ethernet data streaming as a server or a client with up to 9 virtual IP ports available, each with a specific data format.

The ProFlex 500 CORS has equal utility as either a field campaign receiver or a portable or permanent base station for either post-processed or RTK applications. Rugged and IP67 rated, the receiver is made to withstand harsh environments, and it also includes an internal removable battery, which acts as a built-in uninterruptible power supply. The ProFlex 500 CORS can either just collect and store raw data or it can simultaneously collect, store, and broadcast RTK corrections. The receiver’s instant multi-data streaming capability enables easy access to RTK corrections for real-time centimeter accurate surveying and mapping applications. Enhanced Ethernet connectivity provides NTRIP and Direct IP capabilities enabling users to build their own DGPS and/or RTK corrections server without any additional software or equipment.

The ProFlex 500 embedded and password-protected web server provides full remote control via an Internet connection. The generation of raw data files organized as sessions are entirely manageable through the web server, with preset duration permitting 24/7 data recording, Ashtech said. The embedded ring file memory function offers virtually unlimited storage. When this function is enabled, it allows the oldest files in memory to be automatically deleted, if necessary, to provide storage space for current files being recorded. The ring file buffer function permits raw data recording simultaneously with data recording performed through the programmed sessions. Settings such as site name, recording elevation mask, recording interval, etc. can be different from those found for sessions. For example, raw data can be collected at 1 Hz through sessions while those collected through the ring file buffer function may be at 20 Hz. Raw data files and meteorological and tilt data can be pushed automatically to an external FTP server. For quick responses to a triggered alarm, ProFlex 500 CORS administrators can choose to be informed via e-mail if possible malfunctions are detected by the receiver.

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