Carlson has just released Carlson SurvPC, a full-screen version of Carlson’s popular data collection software, Carlson SurvCE. SurvPC can be used on standard Windows PC computers such as ruggedized laptops. This new release comes on the heels of the release of SurvCE, version 2.5, which is a free upgrade for those utilizing version 2.0 and forward.

SurvCE 2.5 features hundreds of additions and improvements, which are also found in SurvPC. And, both SurvCE and SurvPC work with more brands of Total Stations and GPS receivers than any other data collection software on the market. In addition, Carlson is proud to announce that our product support for our data collection software was ranked number one by users according to a leading magazine’s poll and marketing report.

“SurvPC does all that SurvCE does, and more,” says Bruce Carlson, president of Carlson Software. “Because it can access the same commands used in Carlson office products and the IntelliCAD environment, SurvPC can access many additional commands not available to SurvCE.”

Advantages to SurvPC include: bigger screen display, more graphic and processing power, ability to read and write MicroStation .dgn files, compatible symbol libraries with file formats the same as Carlson office products (.fld vs. .fcl files for field-to-finish), ability to do aerial photo overlays and contour within CAD, output to Excel, and more.

SurvPC may be purchased for any standard Windows PC computer, including the Panasonic Toughbook U1. Carlson also provides it with their own computer, the Carlson Commander, which is a rugged, handheld, ultra-mobile PC device adaptable for both field and in-vehicle operations from Carlson Software and the Technology Advancement Group (TAG).

“The main and universal advantages of SurvCE are retained—a simple interface, quick learning curve, strong graphics, and rich set of features to complete any work from building and highway stakeout, to property surveying, topo, control, and GIS data collection,” adds Carlson.

For more information about Carlson SurvCE 2.5 or Carlson SurvPC, visit your local Carlson dealer or contact your regional Carlson representative.

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