SuperGeo Technologies, the leading global provider of complete GIS software and solutions, announces that SuperGIS Mobile Tour 3, the mobile GIS application designed for tourism, has been updated and enhanced.

SuperGIS Mobile Tour 3 is the application especially for tour navigation, enabling administrators to develop a system integrating GPS technologies, basic GIS functions, and the introduction of scenic spots. In addition, SuperGIS Mobile Tour 3 provides a powerful management application, SuperGIS Mobile Tour Manager, assisting administrators in setting up and modifying the contents of the navigation system, including map data and the information of scenic spots.

SuperGIS Mobile Tour 3 is designed especially for tour navigation

SuperGIS Mobile Tour 3 can be regarded as one of the most helpful personal digital tour guides since the application is able to provide the introduction of attractive spots with multimedia, like video, text, and audio. Therefore, tourists can know more about the attractive spots with the rich information while traveling.

The application has been applied to the tour navigation in Yehliu GeoPark, Taiwan and allowed the tourists to travel in the park in a brand new way. Besides Windows Mobile, SuperGIS Mobile Tour also supports Android platform. Both are open to be evaluated for free.