PCI Geomatics announced that they together with RapidEye and Intermap, will offer free Information Sessions in Santiago, Chile (June 11, 2013), and Lima, Peru (June 13, 2013). The roadshow, which includes the participation of Canadian Geospatial companies, is occurring only a few weeks following Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s visit to Columbia and Peru, where he met with leaders and representatives from the private sector to help increase economic prosperity in the region.

PCI Geomatics, RapidEye, and Intermap will showcase innovations in geospatial technology for imagery, elevation, and software that can be leveraged to make efficient and informed business decisions through the use of these companies’ technology offerings.

Informative sessions will be delivered on the following topics:

• Geomatica: PCI’s Desktop Image Processing software – featuring Geomatica 2013’s latest advances, including atmospheric correction, improved support for large projects, and detailed digital elevation model extraction.

• Geomatica Discover: Geomatica Discover is a new, standalone software tool for automated data discovery on local or network storage devices.

• Production Workflows – highlighting Historical Airphoto Processing Production: Significantly reduce manual labor, double production speeds, and achieve high levels of accuracy with the semi-automated Historical Airphoto Workflow.

• GXL Systems: Designed to be scalable and high speed, the GeoImaging Accelerator (GXL) can process terabytes of satellite and aerial imagery per day through the power of distributed, GPU-enabled computing.