The SIGTE (University of Girona), the Nottingham Geospatial Institute (University of Nottingham) and Prodevelop announces the Fifth Open Source Opportunities in GIS Summer School, from 7th to 11th of July 2014 at Girona, Spain.

The Open Source Opportunities in GIS Summer School is an initiative aimed to meet the GIS professional demands related to free and open solutions, and we are working on this vision from the start. The Summer School 2014 will be focused on the development and creation of Open Web Services and Web Applications, especially on the publication of data on the web. With this goal, the programme will cover topics related to the acquisition and importation of OpenStreetMap data into a spatial database, creation of geospatial web services and development of internet viewers for publishing geospatial data.

We will be strongly supporting this excellent initiative. Jeremy Morley will be contributing the Nottingham components for the Summer School. The course has been designed and will be conducted on a GNU/Linux operating system based on the use of the OSGeo-Live DVD

The program aims to act as a platform for Free and Open Source Geospatial Software teaching, learning and collaboration. All course materials produced for the Summer School will be made available at the past Summer schools section of the website and also through ELOGeo repository for the benefit of the wider community.

More details at