Integrated Electrical and Instrumentation solutions deliver design man-hour savings

GHD,  engineering, architecture and environmental consulting companies, has achieved considerable cost savings by integrating AVEVA Electrical with AVEVA Instrumentation. Impressed with both its performance and the technical support available, GHD’s team in Brisbane, Australia has been using AVEVA Instrumentation successfully since 2011. Its productivity encouraged GHD to also implement AVEVA Electrical in the summer of 2013.

“Using the combination of AVEVA Electrical and AVEVA Instrumentation enables us to create high-quality electrical and instrumentation design on one database,” said Rob Trout, Senior Process Control/Instrumentation Engineer, GHD. “The design cost savings alone are considerable. The database-driven approach has also eliminated duplication and opportunities for human errors, creating further savings from the reduction in rework.”

“The electrical and instrumentation engineering and design disciplines share similarities as well as data, information and intelligence. Many physical components require both electrical and instrumentation/control cable designs, for example. Keeping these two disciplines separate is expensive,” said Hanno Tam, Vice President SE & Australasia, AVEVA. “Time costs money and duplication of data invites error. AVEVA Electrical and AVEVA Instrumentation share the same database, with changes in one automatically being replicated in the other and their impact instantly highlighted for attention. No other software vendor can provide the capability to operate such applications directly on a single database. For customers like GHD this is critical to operating efficiently while ensuring the integrity of the design.”

Free entry for the largest geospatial trade fair in Latin America

MundoGEO#Connect LatinAmerica 2014 (, Conference and Trade Fair of Geomatics and Geospatial Solutions, will be held from May 6 thru 9 May at Frei Caneca Convention Center in Sao Paulo, Brazil, offering 30 courses, seminars, special events and professional meetings. Al inscribirse en dos actividades, el participante podrá seleccionar un curso, seminario o evento especial para asistir sin costo algun. By subscribing in two activities, the third one will be free. Check out the conference program (

MundoGEO#Connect trade fair will have free access through previous registration ( For further information, contact MundoGEO by e-mail or call +55 (41) 3338-7789 / (11) 4063-8848.