First public demonstration of iSTAR and the ColourCloud Arena4D integration

NCTech (Booth 603), creators of the ground-breaking iSTAR® 360º panoramic digital imaging device, will be demonstrating three of their latest innovations at SPAR International. The UK company is back in Houston again with its latest developments, two of which will see their first public demonstration at the event.
Arena4D integration: The power of iSTAR and the ColourCloud processing engine has been integrated into the Arena4D software from Veesus Ltd. This is a major step forward, enabling scanner users easier access to HDR colourisation without leaving the point cloud visualisation environment. SPAR will be the first public demonstration of this integration, with the release expected over the next few weeks.
Further joint developments between Veesus Ltd and NCTech are in the pipeline.
Point Clouds from iSTAR: In response to demand from iSTAR users asking if it is possible to extract measurement data from iSTAR images, NCTech has invested significant bench-time on this and will use SPAR International as the platform to reveal a preview of some of the initial (and very exciting) results.
ColourCloud: NCTech released the first full version of ColourCloud earlier this month and users are already providing very positive feedback.
It provides an incredibly rapid, accurate and robust way to colourise laser scans with iSTAR HDR image data. The scan colourisation process is fully automatic, only requiring users to point to where their scan and iSTAR data is saved and hit ‘go’. Combining ColourCloud software with iSTAR’s ability to capture HDR images in around 20 seconds means time saved both on site and at the desk, with a significant improvement in overall quality.
The ColourCloud process provides fully automatic colourisation which speeds up workflow rates, requires no stitching, resolves parallax issues and is precision calibrated to sub-pixel accuracy. The end result is full colour HDR overlay from any laser scan to within +/-2 pixels.