
Amazon Web Services increases startup awards at SpaceBR Show 2023

Three startups from the space industry will be selected at the Space Pitch and will receive cash prizes, US$ 17,500 in cloud credits offered by AWS, in addition to Space Founder grants and market visibility. Registration has been extended until March 20


The three finalists of Space Pitch 2023, an opportunity for startups to present their businesses to potential investors at SpaceBR Show 2023, will receive a larger award compared to the previous edition. This year, Amazon Web Services (AWS) will distribute US$ 17,500 in credits for the winners to develop projects using the company’s cloud computing services – last year the award was US$ 9,000 – and mentoring sessions .

Awarded startups will be awarded by AWS as follows:

The 2023 edition will be held during the SpaceBR Show, between May 9th and 11th at the Frei Caneca Convention Center, in São Paulo. The event is organized by MundoGEO and has the institutional support of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB).

The finalists will still receive a cash prize in the amount of R$ 5,500 offered by MundoGEO. In addition, startups will earn Space Founder grants and market visibility through disclosure on the MundoGEO portal and webinars.

A committee of experts from New Space and the space economy will make the preliminary selection and a panel of judges, made up of investors, entrepreneurs and ecosystem leaders will choose the finalists. Selected startups will be notified by April 15, 2023. The pitches will have simultaneous translation in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Registration for Space Pitch has been extended until March 20, 2023 and can be done here:

Rules for participation in Space Pitch 2023


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