Teledyne Geospatial will display their newest solutions for land survey, coastal mapping and electric inspection at Geo Week, February 10-12, 2025, in Denver, CO, USA. Discover how Teledyne’s seamless integration of hardware and software accelerates workflows and generates insights in real-time.

Join us at booth #1227 on Monday at 3 p.m. for the official launch of Fathom, the world’s fastest and most intuitive airborne coastal mapping solution. The SAM team, among the first to adopt this innovative system, will be available to share insights on their enhanced capability in the topo-bathy market with their acquisition of the first Fathom.

Teledyne Geospatial will also showcase its new airborne lidar solution Galaxy Edge, featuring parallel scan lines, higher resolution and a reduction in manual labor for noise filtering. Learn about Network Surveyor—a tailor-made solution for utilities that features Optech lidar solution Galaxy Edge, oblique imagery, real-time processing via Galaxy Onboard, and a tight integration with Pointerra3D enabling electric utilities to digitize their grid and gain actionable insights in hours not weeks. Find out how EchoONE, a secure, lightweight airborne laser scanner for UAVs, is used in land surveying, vegetation and asset management, and transportation projects. Experts will also be at hand to discuss how critical business decisions are enabled using Teledyne FLIR IIS’s NDAA-compliant Ladybug6 spherical imaging camera system, which delivers the highest quality and spatial accuracy in 360-degree imaging.

Source: Teledyne Geospatial

Learn more about our annual exhibitions in São Paulo, Brazil:
DroneShow Robotics, MundoGEO Connect, SpaceBR Show e Expo eVTOL

Highlights from the last edition: