Geoprocessing and GIS
Agency9 Cityplanner adds support for Blom 3D
GNSS and Positioning
Historic antarctic expedition ship 3D laser scanned
Geoprocessing and GIS
OGC announces new compliance fee schedule
Geoprocessing and GIS
Intergraph wins wichmann geospatial innovation award
Geoprocessing and GIS
OGC invite I/ITSEC attendees to see how open standards integrate geospatial services
Geoprocessing and GIS
OGC and PODS plan to enhance PODS pipeline management standard
Geoprocessing and GIS
The OGC publishes new conformance tests for existing OGC standards
Geoprocessing and GIS
OGC adopts OWS context conceptual model and ATOM encoding standards
Geoprocessing and GIS
OGC requests comment on the candidate standard
Geoprocessing and GIS
Autodesk, HERE and Bentley will be at MundoGEO#Connect 2014
Geoprocessing and GIS
The OGC seeks participants in a WaterML 2.0 Ratings
Webinar Schedule