Blue Marble Geographics announces they will be exhibiting at the 2007 Esri Survey & Engineering GIS Summit in San Diego, CA from Saturday, June 16th through Sunday, June 17th.

Blue Marble’s coordinate conversion technology is used worldwide by thousands of GIS analysts at software companies, universities, oil and gas companies, civil engineering, surveying, technology, enterprise GIS groups, government and military organizations.

Blue Marble software and professional services are great tools for surveyors.  The Geographic Calculator in particular allows users the flexibility and power necessary to manipulate coordinate map data on many levels, whether it be defining a custom system, point to point conversion for comparison tests, or batch transformation.

New tie-ins to ArcGIS are just around the corner, and the team hopes to demo these for interested users at their booth.  Blue Marble will also be discussing their new offerings focused on ArcWeb Services and applied geodesy training.

“Blue Marble’s success has always been tied to the needs of surveyors,” stated Blue Marble President Patrick Cunningham.  “We are excited by the opportunity to attend this show to demonstrate our latest offerings, and how they enhance Esri software.”

On Sunday, June 17th, Patrick Cunningham and Victor Minor, Director of Development, will be giving a talk entitled “Geodesy and GIS”, an introduction to geodesy for the practicing GIS professional.  The presentation will cover the basic concepts of geodesy, as well as mapping and applying those fundamentals to day-to-day GIS work.

Topics will include horizontal and vertical datums, methods of transformation between datums and their consequences, and the nuts and bolts of various map projections. They will examine how all the pieces add up and why every step is important. The talk will be held from 3:15PM – 4:30PM Room 29 D.