The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced that it has launched the data collection process for its eighth annual Geospatial Technology Report.

The report will contain detailed information on the complexity, direction, and completeness of geographic information systems (GIS) projects being implemented at nearly 400 infrastructure-based organizations around the world.

Users with active GIS implementations are invited to complete the survey at User organizations that complete the survey will receive a free copy of the report. The 2006-2007 edition is currently selling for $449 for GITA nonmembers and $299 for members. The deadline to complete the survey is Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007.

Other than company name, number of customers, and start date of the companies’ GIS, all information is kept confidential, and none of the data provided is associated with the responding organizations in the published report.

The survey saw a record 31% growth in 2006 as nearly 400 user organizations participated. GITA is hoping to continue growing the survey by making it easier to fill out. Information from past participants has been saved, so they can simply login and enter in updates and new data.

The report is widely hailed as one of the major industry surveys of the geospatial community. The 2006-2007 report is available for purchase at