Google Maps brings ever detailed cartographic features of Brazil. For the past fifteen days, the service has included names for cities, roads, streets, squares and parks around the country.

The service is the result of a partnership with MapLink, a company based in Curitiba and also responsible for the Guia Quatro Rodas navigator.

MapLink points out that this is only part of a series of other novelties coming in the near future. “The site will be online by the beginning of 2007, completely redesigned”, says Guilherme Gomide, the company director.

According to him, the changes will be mostly aesthetic and functional, based on the web 2.0, the part of the net which runs online programs, such as Gmail, and LiveMail.


The company was founded in 2000, inspired by the North American portal MapQuest, aiming to provide route and location services to other companies and individual users.

Starting with maps acquired from TeleAtlas, supplier of cartographic materials, MapLink gathered 20 thousand subscribers and over 300 major corporate clients.

Through their system it is possible to set a route between two cities knowing the shortest distance, the kind of road, the estimated travel time, toll fares and fuel costs among other details.

Besides that, MapLink offers an onboard navigator system with Quatro Rodas magazine. The device shows the driver details of any route, with both viewable and auditory information.

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