The development of novel image intelligence technology by DualAlign LLC is promising to become the foundation for future innovations in medical imaging, thermal imaging and photographic imaging. The development by the New York based computer vision and imaging technology company has the potential to alter the way some industries function.

“DualAlign’s technology picks up where GIS leaves off, working with non-geographic imagery the way GIS works with geographic imagery,” states Remy Arteaga, DualAlign’s CEO. According to Mr. Arteaga, what makes DualAlign’s technology special is that “it is capable of automatically determining if a group of images belong together, even if the images were taken by different cameras, at different times and with little overlap.”

Applications to this technology are already found in markets as varied as medicine, the military, energy, biometrics, security, and photography. One such application in medical imaging enables a doctor to align retinal images to detect glaucoma in a patient, while a certain photographic application allows a photographer to take 500 photos of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and convert it into one gigapixel file for viewing on the web.

DualAlign’s new imaging has the potential to disrupt some industries. A good example could be the utilities industry, which is continually challenged with keeping electrical power delivery systems up and running without failure. In an attempt to meet this challenge, utilities regularly inspect their power systems, taking images using thermal infrared imaging cameras to detect hot spots. With DualAlign’s intelligent image technology, utilities would be able to detect hot spots with thermal imaging instantly and be notified that a specific section of the system is at risk of failure.

DualAlign provides image intelligence technology that enable users to make better decisions. Their deep domain knowledge reaches across many high growth markets and industries, from medical imaging to a photographic system that allows the user to create hi definition images of products or properties with a simple digital camera. DualAlign offers best in business imaging software solutions based on emerging computer vision technologies that can meet the most demanding industry needs.

Source: DualAlign